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Ken Kaniff Lyrics

Album/Collection: The Slim Shady LP
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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[Ken Kaniff]I'm gonna call this motherfucker.
Oh fuck yeah.
Give him a piece of mind. A piece of my ass.

[Operator]Thank you for waiting. Hello, may I help you.

[Ken Kaniff]Oh thank you. I need to make a collect call.

[Operator]What number?

[Ken Kaniff]Oh the number is **6-2***

[Operator]At the tone, please say your name.

[Ken Kaniff]Kenneth Kaniff, from Connecticut. Automated piece of shit.


[Ken Kaniff]Hey there, cock boy.

[Eminem]Who's this?

[Ken Kaniff]This is Ken Kaniff.


[Ken Kaniff]Ken Kaniff from Connecticut, you little bitch.

[Eminem]From Connecticut? I don't know nobody in Connecticut.

[Ken Kaniff]Yeah, you wanna get a hotel room with me?

[Eminem]A hotel room?

[Ken Kaniff]Yeah, you want me to lick your ass, Eminem?

[Eminem]Yo, who is this, K?

[Ken Kaniff]You want me to fuckin melt in your mouth and not in your hand?
Melt in your ass you little cock boy.

[Eminem]Yo, shut up you little bitch.

[Ken Kaniff]Oh, you think I'm lying huh...


Ken Kaniff Lyrics

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