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Song For the Dead Guitar Tablature
Song: Song For The Dead
Album: Songs for the Deaf
Tabbed by:  Mike van Driel [email protected]

Tuning(low-to-high): (down 2 full steps) C-F-Bb-Eb-G-c

Key: /  = slide
      h  = hammer-on
      p  = pull-off
      b  = bend
      r  = release
      *  = natural harmonic
     ( ) = ghost note
      x  = mute note
      ~  = vibrato
      ^  = let ring
      #  = stompbox on/off



                                                        (play 11 times)






        1.It's   late     enough to go    drivin'

                    and      see what's  mine

          life's the  study     of       dying

          how to       do it              right

           if you're a holy                roller

           if you're   bent   in the      loose

          if you're   hangin'         around

           I'm        holding the          noose

							(play 4 times)


        2.Come a      little bit          closer

           and   get                untied

           in the     hearse       rollin over

           just a     track in the        line                 *** it

							(play 4 times)

Guitar Solo:














         3.Come on    let's go            drivin'

           come on let's take a little ride

           life's   the   study   of      dyin

           how    to   do    it           right

							(play 4 times)


                                                         (play 6 times)

							 (play 8 times)

This wasn't my tab but I saw some mistakes in it, 
well this 100% good!
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