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Synapse Guitar Tablature
#-- File created with Instab - http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html --#

Author/Artist: Bush
Title: synapse
Transcribed by: Saverain
Email: [email protected]

This is what it sounds like to me and if you don't
 like it
E-mail me
you'll have to find the lyrics somewhere else sorry.
 I are not to good words
Two guitars arranged for 1
v strum down
^ strum up

 intro v v v v  v v v  v v v    verse>                                        

       main part of verse^                                                    


                                                         chorus>     v  v  v  

  v  v   ^  v  ^ v  v ^ v ^   interlude                                       

 harmonics<      intro           main part of verse   intro        chorus     

  interlude         chorus    outro
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